Sunday, March 21, 2010

Reality of Friendship

Today as I sit quietly in a dark room with lot of deep thoughts trying to take hold of me, I remember the words of Confucius that “Silence is the true friend that never betrays” and I must say that I am fairly able to judge things going around me.

Among hundreds of storming thoughts, “Relationship” is the cyclone that is trying to blow me away from everything.

We must say Thanks to GOD for giving wonderful families to us. Either you feel sad or happy that is a common destination where you have to end up. I am not going to say anything about FAMILY as it is certainly the BEST and we all cannot have anything better than it.

FRIENDSHIP is yet another and a very vital relationship in everyone’s life. You cannot imagine your life without your friends; such is the greatness of this relationship. There are thousands of good things about a good relationship but I honestly want to ask you all that how many good friends do you still have?

Today, I feel we are trying to fool ourself. I have a question to everyone and almost every single reader to this blog that Friends who were almost everything for you few years back, why are they not the same. Why you don’t give an effort to meet them or be in contact with them today? Why other things have taken more importance in your life? Is it that someone else has taken place of them and you are more comfortable with the new ones? Today when you see their number in your mobile phone why don’t you give a call to them? Today the mobile calling rates are very low and still you have no time to talk to them, whereas few years back there was always a wish to spend few more hours. Why do you have a feeling that it is too late and you cannot start it again? After a long break why do you expect them to start the conversation, why not you? There are lots and lots of Y’s and the answer are nowhere in my diary.

Everything seems very bogus if it goes like this. We need to have an answer to all these questions and if you are Silent reading these, it means we are responsible for the breaking the most beautiful relationship that we made. My request to you is that today if you see their number in your mobile phone or see them online in any chat box, talk to them and try to maintain your relationship.

It hurts a lot to lose good friends and the one who "Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure."

Make new friends but please don’t forget the old and the best ones.